The Grand Hall hero

The Grand Hall

UI/UX Marketing Website


The Grand Hall is a local wedding venue located in downtown Kansas City. It is one of the most elegant and pricey venues in the entire city. The venue was owned by the parent company that my team worked for. Our team was commissioned to design and build a brand new site to replace their old one. As one of the most iconic buildings in the Kansas City skyline - a website that accurately represents the building's past, present, and future was necessary.

The Problem

The Grand Hall had an existing website at the time. One could say it was not in very great condition. Broken links, slow load times, and outdated information plagued the site. The stakeholders approached us wanting a site that represented the elegance of The Grand Hall.

My Role

Support UI/UX
Website build


The Grand Hall website was a fantastic undertaking for our team. It stretched us in new ways. The site gave a new perspective on a whole new industry that none of us had spent much time in. Each decision needs to be intentional when each inquiry could lead to many thousands of dollars in play with each potential visitor. Having the ability to shape the outcome of people's special day/ or large event in a positive way was very fulfilling.